The Favorite Portable Layout Contest is open to all members who bring a portable layout to one of the SP meets during the year. Our members then vote on their favorite portable layout.
Here are the portable layouts from the January meet:
Jeff Meyer and his All Aboard Fastracker squares with the military theme.
These two pictures are of Larry Carpenter’s squares and his military trains.
Tom Ingolio’s awesome airfield and military trains.
These two pictures are of Steve Eastman’s tinplate soldiers and ships. Amazing!
Here are the portable layouts from the February meet:
Glen Olsen’s great portable layout.
Larry Carpenter’s squares and whimsical layout.
Steve Eastman and his new set of All Aboard Fastracker squares.
Here are the portable layouts from the March meet:
Bob Nord’s portable layout with some really neat tinplate accessories!
Steve Eastman’s squares and a very special Marx set with scenery.
Tom Ingolio’s squares and another great scene!
Jeff Meyer’s squares with a Dorfan tinplate bridge and station.
Here are the portable layouts from the April meet:
Bob Nord’s portable layout with farming accessories and bumper cars!
Jeff Meyer’s portable layout #2 with a u-shaped city theme.
Larry Carpenter’s portable Thomas layout.
Glen Olsen’s new completed set of All Aboard Fastracker squares.
Here are the portable layouts from the May meet:
The Brian Field’s Memorial Layout
Brian Field’s wind-up layout
Mark DiVecchio with his portable layout with buttons for kids of all ages to push.
Jeff Meyer with a set of All Aboard Fastracker squares.
John Bowman brought some Standard Gauge.
Greg Druscher brought his newly built test layout.
…and Lois Carpenter brought the newest member to see the layouts.
Here are the portable layouts from the June meet:
Steve Eastman’s set of All Aboard Fastracker squares.
Jeff Meyer’s set of All Aboard Fastracker squares.
John Bowman’s display of live steam engines.
Here are the portable layouts from the July meet:
Bob Nord’s portable layout with a tinplate military theme.
Glen Olsen’s great portable layout.
Here are the portable layouts from the August meet:
The All Aboard Fastrackers brought tinplate with Jeff Meyer, Larry Carpenter, and Steve Eastman all bringing tinplate trains and buildings to share.
Steve Eastman also brought his Russian train layout.
Here are the portable layouts from the September meet:
Mark DiVecchio with his portable layout with buttons for kids of all ages to push.
Wayne Musgrove brought his great looking layout again!
Jeff Meyer brought a set of 8 squares with a small town theme.
Here are the portable layouts from the October meet:
Bill and Diane Senyak’s Halloween Squares
Tom and Angel Ingolio’s Halloween Squares
Larry and Lois Carpenter’s Halloween Squares
Jeff and Denyse Meyer’s Halloween Squares
The Favorite Portable Layouts for 2013:
1st Place – Tom Ingolio’s Airfield
2nd Place – Mark DiVecchio’s Portable
3rd Place – A tie with All Aboard Fastracker’s Tinplate Theme and Bill & Diane Senyak’s Halloween
Thanks to all who brought their layouts1 You should build one for 2014!
Check back for more portables in 2014!